Sunday, December 11, 2016

Investigative Journalism

"Hate Crimes"
By:Lael Bright

         During a Chicago’s Margarita Fest at the South Shore Cultural Center, on July 30, 2016, the 26 year old Jessica Sanders was charged with a hate crime and battery crime. When she shouted racial slurs and spitting on a black couple. Cassie Crimm was being harassed and her husband Ernest Grim started recording the incident while being spit towards. This is a problem because, a couple is being terrorized because, of their race which makes them feel unsafe where they live. Jessica Sanders talked to a reporter and said, “I haven’t slept at home since July 31st, I was afraid something was going to happen,” Sanders said. “I was depressed. I was upset. But I know myself. I know that’s not me, what was out there. I thought that it blew over a bit. I started to be out more, getting back to a regular life. Now it’s on the news and television, and it’s starting all over.”

This goes against many human rights. Some of the human rights that are being violated by is  We Are All Born Free & Equal, Don't Discriminate,The Right To Life, and You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. These were violated because of a bean bag. During that time the couple did not fe
el safe or feel like they were able to do something about the situation. This couple was treated differently and was being disrespected by someone for no reason. People of a different race or religion should be treated as if there wasn't a difference none of the human rights laws should be broken.

Another Story of a of hate crime against a Muslim women. On July 4th 2015 Itemid Al-Matar was falsely arrested for being Muslim, the police officers thought that she was a “lone wolf suicide bomber,” according to the tribune the officers claimed to have asked Itemid Al-Matar questions but the surveillance camera. In the video Itemid Al-Matar can be seen walking up the stairs to a train, with about five or six police officers following behind her. About a minute passed and suddenly she was grabbed and thrown to the ground and was search and was exposed. Soon after she was charged with several counts of obstructing justice and was found not guilty. Later Rehab had spoken to the press and said, “There is a human at the center of this case… under this simple piece of cloth is a full and complex heart-beating human,” said Rehab. “We understand that for many people she may look like someone that they are scared of. But that does not excuse dehumanizing or demonizing her.”Itemid Al-Matar also said “I don't want that nightmare to happen again.” This shows that this racial profiling can lead to someone to be wrongly accused of terrorism

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