Sunday, January 22, 2017

2nd Quaters Reflections

  During my second quarter many assignments help me improve my work in ELA. My biggest improvements are being independent and not procrastinating. In the first quarter I always depended on others for helping me with things but now I can do more things I understand clearly than what others say. My ELA teacher, Mrs. Larson help me to move at a fast pace, this helped be stop being behind. I will continue using these methods for the rest of my school career.

  My new goal for this year is to try to get more 3's and 4's. I mainly want 4's because I know can push myself to do more work than I usually would. I believe that my ELA helps me a lot with pushing myself to do better to work harder. My new will encourage me to do bigger better things with my education.

  The most challenging part of this quarter was procrastinating. In ELA everything was due the next day which prevented me from doing things last minute. The thing that helped me the most was setting a time or finishing my work during class. I had to put in effort to do work on time or early. This will help me in the future when every little thing counts for something.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Book Talk

   The book I am reading is Plan B by Charnan Simon, the genre of the is realistic fiction. The book is about Lucy, a optimistic and ambitious seventeen years old is the intense character. During high school, she and her boyfriend Luke had gotten very intense and then things took a turn. After being peer pressured into things Lucy finds her self pregnant and has to make serious decisions about her life. After some issues have been fixed with Luke, they decided to be with each other no matter what happens. Later on, her decision changed throughout the was and came to a conclusion.

I like this book because these type of things happen many people, so this interest me to see what couples go through and how they feel throughout the process. I can not personally connect to this book but, I can know how to help a friend who could go through this type of problem.

I mostly remember the conflict about Luke and Lucy's relationship, which helped build the plot of the story to a more complicated feeling. I would recommend this book to all teens because this book tells what can happen in a teenagers life so they could imagine what would if they were in that situation. This book could change most adolescents decisions in like. This contains examples of complications in a relationship, it shows how to be responsible for what you do and teaches you to make decisions to help youself and others.

Final Reflection

        The three most important things I learned this you in ELA was, how to write blogs with correct grammar. For the school year  my teac...