Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Final Reflection

       The three most important things I learned this you in ELA was, how to write blogs with correct grammar. For the school year  my teacher taught me to make sure that I have correct puntctuation  in my paragraphs. She has also taught me to annotate books so I understand things clearly. Lastly she has taught me to use my time effectively. I think the most valuablre thing I learned was to use my time wisely, I always procrranstine  or find a way to being off task. Knowing that my assignment is due the next day I try to do as much work as possible. 

           One thing I will always remember is our Holocaust unit. Reading the memoir of Elie Wiesel was very interesting to read about. I will never forget his story of how he survived a concentration camp. His heart breaking story taught me not top wait for things to happen and to fight for what is right me and for others. When we read the poems from the children in the camps, which led us to our butterfly projects. My poem "Terezin" was aboutt how the families were fooled to believe in something better, and that they were slowly dying. "Wanting a badge of blindness To be a proof for their own children." (Lines 5-6) "And the cannons don't scream and the guns don't bark And you don't see blood here. Nothing, only silent hunger." (Lines 12-14)

Out of all the books I've read this year I would choose "Notes From the Midnight Driver", I think it is a very relatable book for teens that are going through similar experiences. I think that the book funny jokes, and many great characters. Personally my favorite character is Solomon Lewis, he's my favorite because of. His background story and how he can relate to the main character. I would definitely reccommend the book to other students. 

Friday, May 26, 2017

This I Believe...

                                   "Making the World a Happier Place"
               Everyday, we see people smiling and joking with others about life. Passing through the hallway seeing my peers with grins on their face makes me happy. In certain places laughter isn’t an option, with violence and sadness in the air it is hard for people to laugh. For those who are in bad situations, that are able to smile, laugh, have kindness in their hearts, they’re the lucky ones.

               I was born into a world of happiness. My mother taught me to be a good person. Every Christmas my neighbor and I would make backpacks filled with necessities to live. The first time we actually delivered that backpacks to the homeless was in 2011, there was a surprising amount of people who needed these backpacks. I was sad to see people with children on the streets, this experience surprised me most.

               Since the world is now filled with anger and death, I feel that I should try my best to help others and to spread kindness to those who need it. I’m shocked that no one tries to help those that are in need, people should at least put some time and effort to help. I understand that many people can’t give money or food to others, but others who can don’t help. I think this experience will affect the future in a positive way for me and others by improving the way we treat others and have a little more laughter in the air.

             I believe in laughter and kindness. I think you should help improve the way we treat others, so that there is less negativity in world. If we do this we could add a little peace in our nation. If we work together we can help many on the streets have a future. If everyone were to donate money the world will follow, and everyone who isn’t in a good situation will have a better chance at life.

             People shouldn’t just think about themselves, they should recognize how others have a worse lives than they do. People shouldn't get mad over simple things, such as how they're low on money or how they can't pay for something they want.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

"The Age-Defying Benifits Of Having (And Younger) Friends"

The book I am currently reading is Notes From the Midnight Driver  Jordan Sonnenblick.  While reading the book I wondered how Solomon will help Alex grow as a person.  So I chose to read an article that can help me understand why the judge chose an elder to be his punishment. "The Age-Defying Benefits Of  Havimg Older", talks about how having older friends and impact on you in a good way.

The author of the book tells a story of Alex Peter and Solomon Lewis. Throughout the book Mr. Lewis teaches Alex lessons that he would find out in the future. The author puts things in perspective when the characters start to bond. In the book Alex decided to have Mr.Lewis help him with playing his guitar. After the practice I can see that Solomon trusts Alex enough with his valued guitar. "You gave me your Telecaster, and you can't go up on stage next month an delay the washboard. So now you have a real jazz guitar." (224) this shows that Solomon wants to pass his experience onto Alex.

In the Article "The Age-Defying Benefits Of Having Older (And Younger) Friends" the author Meredith Melnick, talks about how having a more experienced friend. This connects to the story because Alex the main character is learning things from the old man, Solomon, which will help his life decisions that Solomon was incapable of making. According to the article, "'Friendships with older and younger people help broaden you perspective, which in turn allows you to have compassion and empathy in your day-to-day life." I think that this is happening in the book between Alex and Solomon. In the book Alex asked "Why don't you play guitar anymore? Why did you stop?". I think this is the point where Solomon starts to open up about his past. While explaining what happened to his wife he told Alex not to do the same thing he's done, he describes how he sees his deceased wife Ethel symbolizing that he sees himself in Alex hinting that he should take care of Laurie.

All in all, both the book and article shows how having someone who can teach you more than your parents will before your old enough to make your own decisions. The article list several ways having wiser and experienced friends will help you in life. The book slowly shows how the friendship between the two characters progress into a family like manner. The difference between the book and article is the article doesn't have more ways befriending elders will help in life.

Melnick, Meredith. "The Age-Defying Benefits Of Having Older (And
              Younger) Friends." The Huffington Post.
               TheHuffingtonPost.com, 06 May 2014. Web. 12 May 2017.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Notes From the Midnight Driver

            The book I am reading is Notes From the Midnight Driver, Whcih is about a boy who was caught drunk driving and is now doing service instead of going to jail. While left home alone, Alex attempts to drive to his fathers house causing an accident with a lawn gnome and soon to be arrested. Which leads him to a memorial home to spend time with an old man named Solomon Lewis with a brewing friendship until a argument or confrontation at a holiday party with Mr. Lewis's peers. Alex is confused about the relationship between his parents after seeing them together at three in the morning. His best friend Laurie might be his potential crush or girlfriend after their sleepover. So far I have read 134 pages and will continue to read to 169.

            The character I would like to meet is Solomon Lewis. I think it would be very interesting to see him in person and hear what his side of the story would be. I would ask Mr. Lewis over 20 questions but I will choose 4 important questions I would ask. The first question I would ask is, "What do you think of Alex and how do you feel about him?". The second question I would ask is, " What made you the person you are now?". My third question "Can you tell me about your daughter and your family life?". Lastly " What would you do if you were in Alex's shoes?".

           So far, I enjoy reading  the book and enjoy the characters. I would recommend this this book because I believe the moral of the story is about friendship and how you make them in unusual ways. In the beginning I thought the book was pretty funny and I saw how each character go together well.  For the most part I think I could relate to Mr. Lewis because of his humor and his love for beautiful things like as music. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to read Notes From the Midnight Driver.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Quarter 3 Reflections

This quarter I have progressed in ELA. I am happy that I accomplished many things since quarter 1. The starting of the school year I didn't have the writing knowledge that I have now. I know I made little progress but, I know I can do better. I am doing better in my vocabulary and remembering my roots and prefixes. All in all I think my biggest improvement is in my writing this year than before.

     In quarter 3, I accomplished in ELA by reading more books that interest me than last school year.  I am proud to say that I am starting to read more and more just like when I was younger. The more books I read the knowledge I gain and better was to start writting better. Another thing I've accomplished this quarter is how I am starting to comprehend what I'm reading than blindly reading a book and not knowing what's happening.

 The most challenging part of 3rd quarter is staying on task. I noticed that I get distracted easily, when I get distracted I start falling behind in class. I am trying to pay more attention and trying to stop being absentminded by worry about my work rather than talking about things that are off task. Another thing I am having a hard time with is my time management. Since its the end of the school year I blindly start being lazy and procrastinate while doing my work. I know I can fix this putting my phone or removing myself from things that distract me. I can also set times where I can do my homework then have time to do other things.

Monday, March 13, 2017


     The experiences that Elie witnessed while living in the camps, changed his perspective on his religion. In the beginning of the the autobiography Night by Elie Wiesel, Elie was very pious, he wanted to study is religion. In The Beginning of the book Elie described how dedicated he is to his religion, "During the day I studied the Talmud, an at night I ran to the synagogue to weep over the destruction of the Temple." "One day I asked my fathers to find me a master to guide me in the studies of the cabbala." (Page 1) These quotes show how devout Elie was compared to other kids and that he was seeking for a mentor, which is recapitulating his faith.

     However, Elie starts to question God when he was being chosen if he shall live or die. During the book Elie starts to question his faith in God,  "Why should I bless His name? The Eternal Lord of the Universe, the All-Powerful and Terrible was silent. What had I to thank Him for?" (Page 31). This shows that his faith in God was slowly fading away. Another quote that  proves his faith is dying is,  "Never shall I forget those flames  which consumed my faith forever. Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul..." (Page 32). This quote shows that he has hit rock bottom and believes that his God is gone and is never coming back.

     While walking to a shed Rabbi Eliahou's son decided to leave him behind because he was falling behind. Later on Elie remembered and knew why he'd lost his son, because of this Elie decides to pray. "My God, Lord of the Universe, give me strength never to do what Rabbi Eliahou's son has done" (Page 87). This shows that Elie still has enough faith in God to pray that he doesn't betray his father.   "I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep. But I was out of tears. And deep inside me, if I could have searched the recesses of my feeble conscience, I might have found something like: Free at last!...(page 112 in Night PDF //137). This quote shows that everything is gone, the pious person and who he was before is now gone due to 1 year in concentration camps.

Wiesel, Elie. Night. New York : Bantam Books, 1982

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Butterfly Project


The heaviest wheel rolls across our foreheads
To bury itself deep somewhere inside our memories.

We've suffered here more than enough,
Here in this clot of grief and shame,
Wanting a badge of blindness
 To be a proof for their own children.

A fourth year of waiting, like standing above a swamp
From which any moment might gush forth a spring.

Meanwhile, the rivers flow another way,
Another way,
Not letting you die, not letting you live.

And the cannons don't scream and the guns don't bark
And you don't see blood here.
Nothing, only silent hunger.
Children steal the bread here and ask and ask and ask
And all would wish to sleep, keep silent and just go to sleep again...

The heaviest wheel rolls across our foreheads
To bury itself deep somewhere inside our memories 

I commented on:

America's Blog

Jaqlyn's Blog

Lazar's Blog 

Carter's Blog 

Melissa's Blog

Final Reflection

        The three most important things I learned this you in ELA was, how to write blogs with correct grammar. For the school year  my teac...